50% of People Suffer Audio-Related Pain Points

It’s Monday morning in Tulsa. Peter Vonn, a sales manager and his team of eight are assembled in the conference room, ready for their online meeting with a prospective client in Chicago. Peter turns the conference camera on, and everyone shuffles to sit within the camera’s field of view. Shortly after, the client and his team appear on the screen at the front of the room, the speaker booms “Good morning Tulsa!” Peter says “Good morning!” But the client looks confused and says “I can’t hear you, Peter!” Struggling to understand why his microphone isn’t picking up sound, Peter and his team wave at the camera, while he uses his phone to message the client “Sorry, just give us a minute, we have some technical problems here.”

We all experience similar pain points during online meetings, some of which we can only fix by using the best conferencing solutions. This fact is highlighted by a recent Ovum report that 30% of sales professionals feel that their web conferencing equipment actively hinders their sales.

The problems encountered are diverse, from unwanted noise, trouble identifying the speaker to difficulty controlling the camera without a remote and unsuitable lighting conditions. Over 50% of respondents identified “Audio related problems” as the most commonly reported pain point in a Dialpad State of Video Conferencing report, other issues included “Difficult to read the room.”

Video conferencing cameras with AI functions can greatly improve the efficiency of your online meetings. Join us in our virtual exhibition hall to gain insight into the struggles commonly encountered during online meetings and discover innovative AVer solutions to these problems.

Virtually Experience Online Meeting Technologies

Enter our innovative, interactive space to learn how to enhance your online conferences and keep up with the latest developments in video conferencing. Benefit from our expertise and become an expert. Step into our virtual office space and choose the size of video conference you would like to experience: small (4 people or less), medium (5-10 people), large (8 or more people ) and begin your journey of discovery!

Join a virtual online meeting plagued with technological problems such as noise interruption and difficulty identifying the speaker. Then, change rooms and experience how AVer’s innovative AI functions can benefit your real life online meetings.

Play games, Discover New Technology

In the virtual meeting rooms, you can actively help to solve common video conference problems in a series of fun, short games. We all hate noise interruptions during meetings! In the small conference room, play our first game and drag Band-Aid stickers over the noisy coworkers outside of the conference room to cover their mouths and silence them!

If you aren’t allowed to sleep in the medium conference room, why should your colleagues be allowed to? Our next game is whack a colleague awake! Turn on the Smart Gallery function to identify your sleeping colleagues and wake them up with the wooden mallet.

Who’s got the remote control? Using a remote control can slow you down, losing the remote control can ruin your meeting! In our third game, help us to find the remote control to focus the camera on the right coworker. Hurry, the clock is ticking and the boss is getting angry!

The interactive games help you to discover multiple innovative AI functions, Audio Fence blocks noise outside the conference field of view using noise. Audio tracking recognizes individual human voices and enables an intelligent AI function to focus on each speaker and Smart Gallery instantly detects and captures the gestures of meeting attendees, automatically framing everyone in the meeting room. Curious? Enjoy a 360 degree, detailed view of AVer products, peruse our catalogues and videos in this virtual space to learn more about our technology and AI solutions.

Visit Today!

Don’t delay, Visit AVer 360 Virtual Exhibition Hall today to find out more about our innovative video conferencing solutions! Stop by to stay up to date with developments in online conference technology and learn how to overcome the issues that you encounter in online meetings in our virtual exhibition hall.